Dating Abuse Quiz

Does your partner:
1. Act in ways that scare you?
2. Get angry or jealous when you talk to, or want to do things with, other people?
3. Put you down, call you names, or criticize you?
4. Try to tell you where you can go, what you should wear, or what you can do?
5. Constantly call or text you?
6. Say it’s your fault or make excuses if they hurt you or your feelings?
7. Threaten to kill or hurt you or themself if you break up?
8. Constantly accuse you of flirting or cheating?
9. Try to force you to have sex or do sexual things you’re not comfortable doing?
10. Hit, slap, push or kick you?

If you answered “A lot” or “Once in a While” to even one of these questions, chances are you’re dealing with abuse.

Check out our Resources to see how we can help. Call to talk about what’s going on in your relationship. Our free and confidential helpline number is 1.800.863.9909.

Take a look at the Power & Control Wheel wheel below or download it here. It was developed by people in a support group who recognized that they had experienced many of the same types of abuse. It helped them feel less alone. We hope it does that for you, too.

We’re here to help.

Power and Control Wheel - Spruce Run-Womancare Alliance

If you answered “Never” to these questions, your answers do not align with someone experiencing abuse.